This poignant and darkly humorous play by Scott McPherson centers around Bessie, a woman who has been caring for her ailing father for twenty years. When Bessie is diagnosed with leukemia, she must reconnect with her estranged sister Lee and her troubled teenage nephew Hank. The family navigates complex emotions and past grievances, ultimately finding moments of reconciliation and unexpected love.
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Entertainment, Inc! Presents: Marvin's Room


Calander Icon October 3, 2024 - October 6, 2024
Time Icon October 3-5, 7 pm and October 6, 2 pm


Location Map Pin Icon Old Armory Theater
This poignant and darkly humorous play by Scott McPherson centers around Bessie, a woman who has been caring for her ailing father for twenty years. When Bessie is diagnosed with leukemia, she must reconnect with her estranged sister Lee and her troubled teenage nephew Hank. The family navigates complex emotions and past grievances, ultimately finding moments of reconciliation and unexpected love. Recommended for ages 12 and up. Director: B. Michael Quale

Flex Passes(Season Tickets): $75
Adults: $20
Child: (7-12) $10
Ages: 4-6 Free