RenZen Recovery is proud to announce we HAVE the only Northwest North Dakota Cryosauna in Williston, ND on October 15, 2018.
What is a CryoSauna (CryoTherapy)?
Whole Body Cryotherapy is an innovative solution in whole body recovery that uses extremely cold temperatures to trigger the body's natural recovery process. There are many benefits which include: workout recovery, diet aide, skin conditions, and mental clarity.
The CryoNiq Cryochamber is a single person chamber used for individual sessions of whole body cryotherapy. During a session, clients wear minimal protective clothing (gloves, socks, slippers, briefs(men).
The temperature is regulated by the automated system but can be adjusted between -166 degrees Fahrenheit and -260 degrees Fahrenheit by the operating technician on a touch screen panel. To reach the full cryotherapy treatment a recommended temperature of -202 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 to 3 minutes.
816 11th St E
(701) 770-1864